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About Us

Learning more and building the best is what we stand for. We strive to create unforgettable experiences.

RoomsValencia is a brand dedicated to the international students accommodation in Valencia. We’re here for you! Your satisfaction is our priority. Our team works tirelessly to ensure that every student who walks through our doors feels valued, appreciated, and well taken care of.

Our goal is to help every student feel happy 🙂. Our rooms are designed by an architect (He believes architecture evolves adapting to people’s needs.) who also stayed in rooms during his university days, with the simplest, purest purpose: to be exactly what students need at each stage. RoomsValencia is a brand that is constantly looking to improve the user experience in their apartments.

A company that offers homes which help create developmental experiences in the lives of new students. RoomsValencia helps parents feel confident that they are giving their little ones just what they want and need every step of the way their lives.

Our slogan

“A home away from home”

Advisers and Key Research

RoomsValencia brings architects, university students, customer service, cleaners, maintenance people… from a wide range of real estate discipline together for a holistic approach that is simple, accessible, and relevant to university students.

We did all the research so you don’t have to.

We’re committed to going above and beyond to exceed your expectations and make your stay with us memorable.

We love what we do ❤️

RoomsValencia’s team is always working to find the best materials while offering a comfortable and functional living experience.

We spend hours creating the perfect distribution so our students can enjoy their privacy in a spectacular shared apartment.

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